

英語を勉強する上で気になるのは,「どのように勉強するのが最も効果的なのか?」ということです. 少なくないコスト(時間,そして必要ならばお金も)を投入する必要があるのは確かですから,やっても効果が薄かったり無駄だったりする方法よりは,「なるべ…


頭から読むとは、外国語を一字一句日本語に置き換えながら逐語的に読み上げるメソッド。 訳すな、頭から読め - 鰤端末鉄野菜 Brittys Wake 一語一語日本語に置き換える,というのはどうもしっくりこなかったので,記事にあるような簡単な文を読む場合に私の…


先月,11月30日にTOEICを受験したのですが,その結果がWEBサイトで確認できるようになっていました. 実を言うと私は今までTOEIC IP(団体特別受験制度)というものしか受けたことがなく,まともに公開テストを受けるのはこれが初めてでした.なぜIPしか受けた…


ドバイにも金融危機の影…止まったクレーン・解雇の波(読売新聞) - Yahoo!ニュースドバイバブル崩壊か,という話. Dubai: Major companies in the UAE are trying to raise cash from investors as they struggle to get funds from banks because of the …


A BARREL of oil could be bought for $47.36 in after-hours trading at the New York Mercantile Exchange on Monday December 1st. The price of oil is now at its lowest level in over three years and some $100 cheaper per barrel than at its peak…


Heading the list was the expression 'at the end of the day', which was followed in second place by the phrase 'fairly unique'.The tautological statement "I personally" made third place – an expression that BBC Radio 4 presenter John Humphr…


*2009/1/3現在,まだ終わってませんがあと少しです. こんばんは,シカゴの皆さん. (拍手) もしここに,アメリカでは全てのことが可能である,と言うことに未だ疑いを持つ人がいたとしたら.もし,この国の建国者たちの夢が現代に生きていることを未だに疑…


Taiwan and China set aside decades of hostilities Tuesday and agreed to expand flights and allow shipping links across the Taiwan Strait -- a potential hotspot that has long threatened to become a war zone.The historic deal highlighted the…


The city of Sapporo and some other parts in Hokkaido observed the first snowfall of the season Tuesday, the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory said. The snowfall in Sapporo came eight days later than the average year and two days …

打ちのめされる日本の銀行と市場 コラテラル・ダメージ

UNTIL recently Japanese banks had largely avoided the agonies of the credit crunch that had caused such difficulties in much of the rest of the world. Now the misery has well and truly come to Tokyo. The culprit is not toxic derivatives an…


40歳平凡サラリーマンが半年でTOEIC400点から700点を獲得した方法のブクマコメントから,気になるコメント2つを引用させていただきます. zorio(さん) TOEICで測れてる間は使い物にならない気がする これはとても正しい,と私も普段から思っていることで…


THE financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activi…

Google,26%の増収 景気低迷にもかかわらず見積りを上回る

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Internet advertising giant Google reported a strong increase in sales and a bigger profit than expected despite the current economic slump.The Mountain View, Calif.-based company reported revenue of $5.54 billion…

ロバート・サミュエルソン - 破綻する経済学

What we are witnessing, in the broadest sense, is the bankruptcy of modern economics. Its conceit has been that we had solved the problem of stability. Oh, there would be periodic recessions, but the prospects of a major economic collapse …


The Liberal Democratic Party’s presidential election, which ended Monday with a landside victory for Taro Aso, was apparently intended as a run-up to the next general election. But a series of unexpected incidents including the resignation…


Mitsubishi UFJ said on Monday it had agreed to take a stake of between 10 and 20 per cent in Morgan Stanley, in a deal potentially worth $9bn, becoming the latest Japanese bank to benefit from the turmoil in western financial markets.MUFG …


IN THE early years of this decade, when banks did quaint things like making money, the mantra on Wall Street was: “Be more like Goldman Sachs”. Bank bosses peered enviously at the profits and risk-taking prowess of the venerable investment…


Barack Obama accused his opponents of trying to put lipstick on a pig, and some people here are saying that Japan's governing Liberal Democratic Party is trying to do much the same thing. Memo From Tokyo - Populist Appeals in Election, and…


WHAT with three Chinatowns to choose from, cabs driven by legions of Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, and nightly colonization of St. Marks Place by the Japanese, finding Asia in New York is hardly a challenge. Weekend in New York - E…