
打ちのめされる日本の銀行と市場 コラテラル・ダメージ

UNTIL recently Japanese banks had largely avoided the agonies of the credit crunch that had caused such difficulties in much of the rest of the world. Now the misery has well and truly come to Tokyo. The culprit is not toxic derivatives an…


40歳平凡サラリーマンが半年でTOEIC400点から700点を獲得した方法のブクマコメントから,気になるコメント2つを引用させていただきます. zorio(さん) TOEICで測れてる間は使い物にならない気がする これはとても正しい,と私も普段から思っていることで…


THE financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activi…

Google,26%の増収 景気低迷にもかかわらず見積りを上回る

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Internet advertising giant Google reported a strong increase in sales and a bigger profit than expected despite the current economic slump.The Mountain View, Calif.-based company reported revenue of $5.54 billion…