

Heading the list was the expression 'at the end of the day', which was followed in second place by the phrase 'fairly unique'.The tautological statement "I personally" made third place – an expression that BBC Radio 4 presenter John Humphr…


*2009/1/3現在,まだ終わってませんがあと少しです. こんばんは,シカゴの皆さん. (拍手) もしここに,アメリカでは全てのことが可能である,と言うことに未だ疑いを持つ人がいたとしたら.もし,この国の建国者たちの夢が現代に生きていることを未だに疑…


Taiwan and China set aside decades of hostilities Tuesday and agreed to expand flights and allow shipping links across the Taiwan Strait -- a potential hotspot that has long threatened to become a war zone.The historic deal highlighted the…


The city of Sapporo and some other parts in Hokkaido observed the first snowfall of the season Tuesday, the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory said. The snowfall in Sapporo came eight days later than the average year and two days …