

Before you get to the front door of Canon’s headquarters in Tokyo, you can hear it - a virtual stampede of employees pouring out of the building right at 5:30pm. You might think it’s not so unusual. The day is over and workers should go ho…


Chris Ogle of New Zealand was in Oklahoma about a year ago when he bought a used MP3 player from a thrift store for $9. A few weeks ago, he plugged it into his computer to download a song, and he instead discovered confidential U.S. milita…


Google社員が辞める理由 はてブで「訳して」と言う方が多いみたいだったので,勝手に訳しました.と言っても最初のお二人,StephenさんとBenさんだけです.後で追加するかもしれませんが.追記: 三人目,Tedさんを追加しました. From: Stephen Date: Wed, …


When Barack Obama was elected, foodies rejoiced. Finally, they thought, a president who enjoys the pleasures of fine dining and the virtues of healthy eating! A leader who feels our pain about the skyrocketing price of arugula! In November…


The martial arts star would take on the role of mentor Mr Miyagi, industry newspaper Hollywood Reporter says.The character was made famous by Pat Morita in the original film franchise and earned him an Oscar nomination.Jaden Smith, the son…


英語の発音は練習するな。てなんか情報商材の煽りみたいだが、私はかなりまじめにそう思っている。もちろん練習すればその分多少なりとも向上するのは当たり前だが、はっきりいって時間の無駄である。 英語の発音 - 鰤端末鉄野菜 Brittys Wake さすがにこれ…


マーケットの馬車馬さんが紹介していた記事ですが, 以下更に続くが、訳は控える。結局はアメリカの仲介が不可欠であること、ファタハのアッバス大統領はパレスチナ国家樹立のためにイスラエルとの対話を続けているが、パレスチナ自体が分裂しており、しかも…


“I went to Maui to stay a week and remained five,” wrote Mark Twain in 1866. Whether it’s lazing on warm sugary sand or snorkeling with humpback whales, visitors to Maui today would be likely to do the same, if they had the means. Well, th…